MKP Token Sale
Private Sale
Amount: 5%, 2,500,000 Token
Value: 1 BNB = 12,000 Token
Price: 0.033 U
Rules: First release 25%, unlock 25% per month.
Presale (IDO)
Tokens for Presale: 10%, 5,000,000 MKP
Hard Cap: 500 BNB
Soft Cap: 300 BNB
Contribution: 0.1 BNB - 3 BNB (per wallet)
Value: 1 BNB = 10,000 Token
Price: 0.040 U
The First 5 minutes for whitelist, after 5 minutes open public sale.
First release 50%, unlock 25% per month.
When reaching the hard cap will notify players to go to the IDO page to claim the first release MKP token (50%).
IDO Date:
Start: April 29th 2022, UTC 10:00 AM
End: April 30th 2022, UTC 10:00 AM (If token sold out will end early)
Metakeeper Official Website:
Pancake Swap
Amount: 8%, 4,000,000 Token
Value: 1 BNB = 10,000 Token
Price: 0.040 U
Rule: Add presale 80% to liquidity pool, 400 BNB
Date: After IDO reach hard cap.
Last updated