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Supply and have LP tokens on PancakeSwap
Staking Page
You can fully unstake pool tokens(LP) after 21 days.
If you want to unstake earlier will apply 50% tax, the rest pool tokens will lock in the staking smart contract for one year.
Each time adding staking amount will recount the unstake time.
Please notice that when you supply pool tokens will apply 10% tax. Tax will back to the reward pool.
Staking LV1
Stake 15 Pool Tokens
All keepers speed +3%
Staking LV2
Stake 25 Pool Tokens
All reward +3%
Staking LV3
Stake 50 Pool Tokens
Working Keeper cap +1
Staking LV4
Stake 75 Pool Tokens
All keepers speed +4%
Staking LV5
Stake 105 Pool Tokens
All reward +4%
Staking LV6
Staking 175 Pool Tokens
All keepers speed +8% & All reward +8%
Staking boost will add up. For example, if you stake 175 LP tokens you will get these boosts: All Keepers Speed +15%, Reward +15%, Working Keeper Cap +1